Immediately below your handwritten signature type your signature and business title. For example if youre sending copies of the letter to other people you may type cc followed by the alphabetically listed names of those receiving the letter.
A properly formatted letter demonstrates the senders professionalism and knowledge of business practices.

How do you format a business letter with two signatures. When there are two signatures on the business letter senders have a. Signatures may be listed vertically or horizontally and they should be ranked by seniority. The business letter should be signed using either black or blue black ink.
However a letter that requires the signatures of more than one person must be composed and formatted in a slightly different way to explain why the letter contains multiple signatures and to provide space for more than one signature. The format for this type of business communication is straightforward. Generally the best method is to use the traditional full block format with all the lines of the letter starting at the left.
Etiquette for business letter signatures by amy cates. When writing a business letter that has two or more signatures it is important that the person composing the letter remembers to write in the plural. Cc which stands for carbon copy is a familiar phrase in e mail but can also.
Two lines below your typed signature. Formatting a letter with two signatures is a simple process but since such a document is usually legal in nature youll want to follow standard formatting. Business letters with two signatures should have the signatures placed vertically if approving and concurring officials have to sign an original letter.
Updated september 29 2017. A business letter with two signatures must use plural pronouns when referring to the writers at all times. Business letter with 2 signatures watch more business communication videos.
While the content of a letter is important using the correct format in a business letter sets a professional tone for the correspondence. Regardless of how your correspondence is transmitted either via the post office or email some rules still apply. The prevalence of electronic mail over the traditional typed and mailed letter may leave a new generation not knowing how to sign a business letter.
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